25 May 2019

Visit to the El Paso Carsons for Mother's Day

We were excited to visit the Carson family in early May, since we hadn't seen them since the beginning of January. The twins are at an age where they're still learning lots of new things and changing fast.
Kent and I had a very early flight, so we arrived in El Paso in time to have lunch with Andrew at his school.
Andrew is in kindergarten this year.
Cuddling with Sylvia after we got home from lunch.
After school we met Andrew to walk home with him.
It turns out my good friend Dana Barton, who lives in Oklahoma, was visiting her daughter in El Paso at the same time we would be there. It was really great to see her again after 11 years!
The Carsons have a hammock in their back yard which brings them hours of fun. I love this picture of Tyler with the twins; he looks so happy.
                              We always come prepared to go hiking when we visit Tyler and Rachel's family. It's a great family activity and we love joining them on their hikes!                 
I thought it was so adorable of Christian walking with his hands clasped behind his back that I followed him around to take a picture.
One evening we had a little friendly game of baseball in the backyard,
then roasted some marshmallows to make s'mores around the fire pit.
I love that Melody loves to wear dress up clothes! It's so sweet. And I glad she has a nice big sister who likes to dress up with her.
Rachel is an awesome cook and always makes wonderful meals. Andrew and Sylvia like to help her.
I went into nursery with Melody and Christian, and took some cute pictures of them.
They're wearing the matching outfits that I made for Lissa and Garrett in 1986, I just bought new shirts for the twins to wear under them. They looked sooooo cute!               
After church we took some pictures, but the kids were moving targets and wouldn't stay still.
The kids did pretty well with us holding the twins, though! As usual, we had a very enjoyable visit with the Texas Carson family!

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