12 February 2019

Visit to Houston to Babysit Carson

Now that Kent is retired he's able to travel with me more often to visit the grandchildren. In February he and I went to Houston to babysit Carson while his parents and big sisters went on a cruise.
 We were there for a couple of days before they left on the cruise.
 We went to have lunch with Sophia at school.

 After Russ, Adri and the girls left for their cruise to Mexico, we met the Stinsons on Saturday morning at the movie theater to see the "Lego Movie 2"
Carson did pretty well sitting still in the theater, though he got antsy at the end and wanted to run around.
 After the movie the kids took a ride on the merry-go-round in the mall.
 Not sure what Carson's fierce face is all about after church on Sunday, but I thought it was pretty cute.
 Hanging out with cousin Kiera in the foyer.
 Carson trying out Sophia's roller skates. While his big sisters were away he had free run of all their toys!!
Carson was a good little trooper while his parents were gone. I had to return to Virginia on Monday to teach piano on Tuesday and Wednesday, but Kent was able to stay and continue babysitting until the rest of the Lee family returned on Thursday.

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