28 August 2010

Jefferson's Monticello

We took a day trip to Thomas Jefferson's home, Monticello last Saturday. Another cool historical site that's only about 70 miles from where we live. This is a view of the garden, replanted to represent how it would have looked in Jefferson's time.
Historians know how the garden looked because Jefferson kept meticulous notes.

Monticello sits on a hill, and this is one of the views.Jefferson designed the home, and spent 40 years building it!

Kent especially liked looking at the flower gardens and the landscaping.

This path is the roof of the underground rooms where some of the work of the plantation was done.
We weren't allowed to take pictures inside the house, but this little open air veranda was a nice place to sit and relax for a few minutes. The inside of the house was filled with lots of books and many of the latest inventions that Thomas Jefferson spent his time on.
Monticello was interesting, but I didn't come away from it with the sense of Thomas Jefferson being a great statesman, like I did after touring Mount Vernon, George Washington's home.

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