Snow piled up on our porch because of the wind.
The photo below was taken on Saturday morning.
The photo below was taken Saturday afternoon. Notice how deep the snow is on the porch steps.
I did some shoveling, too, but not as much as Kent. The snowpiles on either side of our driveway are about four feet deep. The picture below was taken at around 3pm on Saturday. The snow finally stopped coming down by around 6pm.
Our road hasn't been plowed at all, so there's about 18 inches of snow on the road. We won't be going anywhere tomorrow--church has been cancelled again. That's the third week in a row for our ward, which has got to be some sort of record.
Kent and I have been trying to remember if we've ever had this much snow anywhere we've lived during our almost 29 years of marriage, and we can't recall. Maybe Walla Walla in the early 80's.
wow. I think those pictures really show it well. Too bad you guys don't have any kids out there with you to enjoy that! Maybe you should go out there and build a snowman!!
Does dad have work tomorrow?
Holy frijoles! I wish you could send a couple inches our way so Kiera could play in it. I guess as long as your power doesn't go out you're good until it clears up, though.
Unbelievable! Where is global warming when you need it? ;) Hopefully it will let up a little so you won't have to be home bound for too long!
Can't believe how much snow you guys got! Bryan was bummed because he thought we would be clear of snow if we went to VA. lol Hope all is well with you! :)
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