We weren't always out and about--sometimes we were having fun at home.
Savannah liked playing with the garden fairies.Both girls took turns shooting the BB gun.
Granddad helping Savannah with her aim.
Granddad also had Sylvia and Andrew help him fill the bird feeder that Tyler made in high school fifteen years ago.
The weather wasn't too cold on the days they were playing outside.
While Granddad did outdoor things with the grandkids, I was in the kitchen with baking projects.
Here the big kids all made and decorated their own graham cracker houses.
Tyler relived his younger years by building some lego projects, like a space shuttle and a pirate ship.
Here's a nice collection of pictures of various adults holding the twins. (Note Tyler's awesome Christmas sweater.)
Lissa with the twins,and me with the twins. We certainly should have had a picture of Rachel with the twins, since she was with them most of all!!

Another baking project--rolling out Christmas sugar cookies. I don't know where Kiera was.
Our Christmas eve meal.

The Carson family official Christmas portrait.
We just couldn't stop taking pictures of these two little cuties!
It's kind of surprising that Christian isn't smiling in either of these photos!
I LOVE this picture of Sylvia looking at the Christmas tree in the entry way.
Here's our Christmas tree all loaded up with loot for Christmas morning.
That's more stockings than we've ever had hung up before!
Here are the four big kids patiently waiting at 7:30am, waiting to go see their presents.Some scenes during the gift opening.
Savannah and Sylvia playing together with their Christmas gifts.
Andrew and Sylvia with some of their new toys.
Granddad showing off his new Snoopy nativity set.
Our traditional Christmas brunch.

One last photo of Christian and Melody on their first Christmas. We had a glorious time with so many kids and grandkids here with us for the Christmas holiday!