The castle on the hill behind our house has for nearly eight centuries watched over the peaceful valley in which we live. I have visited it many times, at all times of day, in all kinds of weather. I have watched the sun rise and sun set from within its walls. I have seen the full moon rise and silhouette it in the dark of night. I have photographed it from almost every angle and during every season..
It never was much of a castle, as far as castles go. Nothing grand or glorious. A small outpost guarding the medieval city near by. It is mostly in ruins now. Just a few of the walls and stairways left. But there it stands on the hilltop. A silent sentinel of days long past and times that have changed.
Patiently watching the world go by.
Is its presence a symbol of stability, standing steadfastly against the
swirling changes of time? Or does its presence symbolize merely a relic
of the past, an impediment in the headlong progression of change in modern life?
To me it is a place of solitude, sanctuary and renewal.
A place to contemplate the events in my life and consider the decisions
that must be made.
A place to ponder what life was like to live within those walls and reflect on the changes the world has seen.
A place to find inner strength to face the challenges of tomorrow.
For my 50th Birthday, I set forth to climb to the top of that castle
and gaze out over the valley from atop her heights.
And having conquered the climb, as well as my doubts and fears, I celebrate the victory of the accomplishment and look forward to the challenges of tomorrow.

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Other pictures from the adventure and friends on the adventure.
Eric, Tyler & Nicole watching
Natalie, Eric & Nicole Scott - the "Grandpa Trainers"
Jason slides down
Proof I made it!
My Favorite Fishes
Knights of the Stone Table Super Mom (Melanie) climbs too!